MITOMAP References for Somatic+Polymorphism+C-C(1,2,3)+at+16193

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3 16120336 2003 Sekiguchi, K., Kasai, K., Levin, B. C. (2003) Inter- and intragenerational transmission of a human mitochondrial DNA heteroplasmy among 13 maternally-related individuals and differences between and within tissues in two family members Mitochondrion . 2 (6): 401-414 .
4 18842121 2008 Bragoszewski, P., Kupryjanczyk, J., Bartnik, E., Rachinger, A., Ostrowski, J. (2008) Limited clinical relevance of mitochondrial DNA mutation and gene expression analyses in ovarian cancer BMC Cancer . 8 (-): 292 .