Submitted by GiladLehmann, Lab for the Biology of Aging, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel.

Abstract: Our interest in comparative study of lifespans stems from the realization that the zoological literature contains a wealth of data that can be used to analyse the factors governing aging and longevity in mammalian species. Recently we reported the finding of at least two independent mitochondrial related pathways that determine the mammalian maximum life-span (MLS). The first pathways is associated with species body mass/metabolic rate and the second pathway is associated with species mtDNA as indicated by their base composition (A%, C%, G% and T %). Together the two pathways explain over 75% of the variation in the mammalian MLS!

The aim of MitoAge is to provide the raw data records to the scientific community. This data is provided in the excel files that are attached in this page. In addition to this, MitoAge provides our group's analyses and subjective interpretation of the data records. We hope that our work could be leveraged by others and that MitoAge will help to accelerate the research in the field of aging and longevity.

Table of contents
  • introduction
  • Mitochondrial DNA base composition correlates with the mammalian maximum life-span (MLS)
  • The base guanine leads and the correlative links between mtDNA bases and MLS
  • Guanine content in mtDNA does not correlate with basal metabolic rate or body mass.
  • Combination of mtDNA guanine and basal metabolic rate or body mass explain over 75% of the variation in the mammalian MLS!
  • Interpretation of the results: The existence of two independent pathways for MLS
  • Suggested reading
  • The online data provided by MitoAge.


Topic revision: r1 - 12 Feb 2016, GiladLehmann

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